So you recently purchased a brand-new banger, and now you're curious about how to clean your quartz banger. We're glad you gave this a search and wish to arm you with the information you require to maintain the health of your quartz nail.
Clean bangers last longer, taste better and just look better than dirty quartz. To find out how to clean your quartz banger and how to maintain it going forward, keep reading.
The dirtier your quartz banger is the longer it will take to clean. Your quartz banger can be covered in a thick layer of black char if you truly let it go. This step-by-step manual explains how to clean a stained quartz banger and how to keep it spotless going forward.
Let's have a look at some things to avoid before we talk about cleaning your quartz banger.
First, never use bleach or cleaning solutions that contain acids. Use distilled water or 99% ISO alcohol only.
We recommend cleaning your quartz banger with a cotton swap after each dab. Make sure to remove any remaining residue. If you are heating your nail and it begins to smoke, pause and continue to clean your nail to remove the remaining oil on your quartz banger.
Never use abrasive tools or materials to clean your quartz banger, it will scratch the quartz. It is recommended to use a cotton swap or a soft material on the end of a chopstick.
One of the keys to keeping your quartz in great condition and tasting great is to take low temp dabs. Low temp dabs are taken between 400-600*F. This prevents oil from burning onto your quartz and also leads to healthier, more flavorful dabs.
Once your quartz cools, any residue you leave on it will have a permanent effect. It is best to maintain the cleanliness of your banger before it becomes dull, cloudy and even dark.
Now that you know the basic maintenance, it’s time to learn how to actually clean your quartz banger.
You forgot to clean your quartz banger, and then you forgot a few more times. Now your quartz banger has a thick layer of residue. Do not worry. Follow these steps to get back to dabbing.
- Soak your quartz banger is 91-99% Isopropyl alcohol. - A soak will do wonders for your chazzed banger. Isopropyl alcohol is a powerful solvent that will make short work of that grime and residue IN TIME. Soak your banger overnight to 24 hours to loosen the residue.
- Rinse with warm water. - Remove your quartz banger from the isopropyl alcohol and rinse thoroughly under warm water.
- Scrape off any residue with a dabber. - Gently use a dab tool or similar object to scrape away some of the excess gunk.
- Rinse with water again. - After scrapping your banger with the dabber, make sure to rinse your quartz banger with warm water and let dry.
- Heat up your banger. - Now that most of the grime is removed, it is time to heat up your banger. You want to bring your quartz banger up to 600-800* F with the goal of turning any remaining residue to ash. You should start seeing your banger clear up of dark spots.
- Wipe banger with cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol. - Let your banger cool down until it is safe to touch. You now want to run an alcohol soaked cotton swab around your quartz banger. This will help pick up any residue, char, and remaining oil left on your banger. Repeat as needed.
- Use the dry side of the cotton swab to remove any excess alcohol.
- Repeat until you can no longer remove any grime.
My banger is just starting to turn dirty (yellow/brown)
If your quartz banger is just starting to get dirty do not worry. Quartz gets dirty quickly! For easy messes, just follow steps 5-8 above. You want to gently warm up your nail and remove any excess gunk with cotton swabs and isopropyl. Make sure you rinse your quartz banger and let it dry before use.
Regular quartz banger maintenance
If your quartz banger is already clean or if it is brand-new, you must perform routine maintenance to keep it that way.
Keep in mind that when your banger cools off after a hit, the mess will permanently change the finish of your crystal. Once or twice is okay, but over time, the quartz will start to lose its luster and turn yellow.
Expert dabbers use the following actions to prevent this and maintain the appearance of their quartz bangers:
Keep some ISO alcohol and a lot of new, robust Q-Tips on hand.
Dab on it. Keep in mind that low-temp dabs are ideal for your quartz banger and you. The primary cause of your quartz banger becoming clouded is overheating it (to above 1000°F, or red hot) and is the main cause of that black charred residue.
Allow the quartz to cool for 30 to 60 seconds or until the puddle is firm enough to remain in place but liquid enough to remove out. To gently remove the residue, dab a Q-Tip in alcohol.
If there is any extra alcohol, clean it up with the Q-dry Tip's side.
Repetition will keep your quartz banger looking brand-new with each dab.