Frequently Asked Questions

A quartz nail helps vaporize your concentrates after it is heated. It serves a similar purpose as the bowl does for the bong.

When purchasing a quartz banger online from a headshop like Glass Half Full there is a wide selection to choose from. We try to provide you with the highest-quality bangers at the lowest and most reasonable costs. We don't cut corners when it comes to the quality of our quartz and have cut out the middleman. Shipping within the USA is completely free.

Most customers select their quartz banger by looking at the following; price, joint size and angle, material, and style

Collection: Quartz Nails & Caps

Enhance Your Dab Setup

Upgrade your dab rig with one of our high-quality quartz nails. Our selection of quartz nails is designed to fit any dab rig and is made with pure, heat-resistant quartz for a durable and clean smoking experience.

Wide Range of Sizes and Styles

We offer a range of sizes and styles to suit your preferences, including popular styles like the Terp Slurper and Blender Banger. Our quartz nails options also include flat top and cold start options. 

Complete Your Dabbing Setup

For the ultimate dabbing setup, pair your quartz nail with some terp pearls and a carb cap. Shop our collection of quartz nails to find the perfect addition to your dab rig.