What are Terp Pearls and What Do They Do?

What Are Terp Pearls And What Do They Do?

What are terp pearls?

Terp pearls are one of the most important accessories if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your dab sessions. To get the most out of your dab rig, it helps to have these glass pearls. They may be small, but they make a wonderful complement to quartz nails, and your taste buds will appreciate it. 

These tiny "dab pearls" are more than just a gorgeous accessory—they'll keep your dabs tasting phenomenal by allowing you to take lower temp dabs. Whenever someone asks "are terp pearls worth it?" the answer is a clear yes.

What do terp pearls do?

Terp pearls are tiny balls made of either quartz or borosilicate that spin around inside a quartz banger. The spinning allows your dab to be evenly distributed across your banger. Often times dabbers will heat one side of their nail resulting in uneven hot spots. The terp pearls help expose your dab to more area on the nail allowing for quicker vaporization with added airflow.

You can use less concentrate by providing more hot surfaces for the concentrate to evaporate on. The dab is also pushed and moved by dab pearls around the quartz banger or nail. It can spread more evenly and touch more places as a result. It can be used and inhaled properly if it isn't allowed to pool in one place.

Using dab pearls to maintain your health has many wonderful advantages. Your likelihood of inhaling harmful toxins may rise if you take high-temperature banger hits. Terp pearls provide you the ability to withstand hits that are even more potent than those at higher temperatures.

Different types of terp pearls

Terp pearls are now available in a wide variety of sizes, colors, and materials. 

You must decide what is best for you given the wide range of possibilities available. Terp pearls come in a variety of materials, such as silicone, borosilicate glass, quartz, clay, and even gemstones. 

A different kind of banger known as a terp slurper uses pill-shaped or long, cylindrical pearls. It has a different appearance than a typical banger with terp balls, but it serves the same purpose.

For each shape or concept you can imagine, there is a lovely terp pearl to match it! These small additions make a big impact for any dab rig.

What size terp pearl should you use

They come in a variety of sizes as well. It could be challenging to decide which size is ideal for you. You have various possibilities with sizes ranging from 1 mm to 30 mm. Identifying the size of your quartz banger is the greatest place to begin. 

The bead gets smaller as the surface area and banger get smaller. The most popular sizes fall between 3mm and 5mm.

How many dab pearls should you use

You might be wondering how many of these terp pearls to use. Dab pearls typically come in two. You won't typically require more than two. 

Three or more dab pearls can be used without necessarily doing any harm. However, this could distort the genuine equilibrium or result in an excessive accumulation of stationary pearls. 

Your hit can suffer if the banger is unable to spin the balls effectively due to a lack of airflow.

Benefits of using terp pearls

Pearl dabbing has a variety of advantages. They let you uniformly distribute your dab across the banger's surface, cooking it and enhancing the flavor of each hit. By doing this, you get bigger hits without any gummy aftertaste in the banger. 

Additionally, terp pearls add a completely new dimension to your smoking experience. Adding attractive, intriguing, or even straightforward beads that you can watch spin and flow into your session will enhance this time.

Look at your carb cap if you're wondering why your terp pearls are not spinning. Some carb caps are not designed to be used with pearls or your specific banger. You can ask us questions in our inbox, email or ask your local head shop for more information. The impact of employing banger beads with your dab rig is increased by investing in a high-quality carb cap designed for their use.

How to use terp pearls

When dabbing, terp pearls are placed inside a quartz banger. The greatest method for getting complete hits out of your rig is this. Using terp pearls is simple once you know how to do it. There are five easy steps to follow.

  1. add the pearls to the banger
  2. heat up the banger as you normally would
  3. let the banger cool to your preferred temperature and add your dab
  4. place your carb cap on top of the banger
  5. inhale and the quartz banger will fill with smoke while the terp pearls spin

If you are using a terp slurper or a blender banger the steps are just slightly different.

  1. add the terp pearls to your quartz banger
  2. heat up your terp slurper making sure to heat both the dish and the middle pillar
  3. place your carb cap or marble on top of the banger
  4. let the quartz banger cool to your preferred temp and add your dab
  5. begin to inhale and your banger and piece will fill with smoke while the pearls spin

Cleaning your terp pearls

Overall, cleaning terp pearls is a simple process. You should always use isopropyl alcohol to clean your borosilicate glass dabbing pearls after a session. Do not burn yourself! Let your nail and terp pearls cool and when they have cooled slightly, you can clean them with q-tips, a paper towel, or a microfiber cloth.

If your dabbing goods are made of other materials, like gemstones, you must exercise caution. These can sustain stress fractures if cleaned with cold isopropyl alcohol and not given enough time to cool after usage. 

If not manufactured from high-quality glass, glass dabbing pearls might become hot. They may melt, morph, and significantly alter their shape as a result of this. Lower temperatures will help keep these pearly beads in good condition overall.

Dab balls made of clay and quartz can withstand the most heat, but they are difficult to clean. Additionally, these are the weakest of all of them. The majority of quartz products, including quartz terp beads, are best at withstanding heat. Quartz is also simple to maintain. The fun of including these well-liked accessories to your dab rig includes selecting your dab balls.

How long will my terp pearls last?

Terp pearls that have been produced and kept properly will last a lifetime. They can be reuse often as well! It is essential to look for high-quality terp pearls. These are frequently made with borosilicate glass since it is one of the simplest types to maintain and clean. Additionally, they are quite reasonably priced. 

The overall lifespan of your possessions will depend on how well you care for and maintain your dab setup and its accessories. Additionally, it will improve your ability to conserve money and bring you additional health advantages. Adding some dab pearls to your collection as a reward for yourself will benefit your health and mind in addition to being aesthetically beautiful.

If you have any questions let us know and have a great sesh!

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